Thursday, May 27, 2010

Roads – Are these for Automobiles?

Well, any sane person would think so. But sometimes the answer is otherwise. A few days back, I was “asked” to take my wife to the crowded Raja Bazar of Rawalpindi for shopping. The mere thought of going to the place is hair raising as this is the most congested and crowed place of the city. Grudgingly, I gave in and started the towards the place. And as I thought, the road started to become narrow as more and more human traffic started to occupy the road space. But that was not enough as worst was yet to come. The shopkeepers had placed their merchandise not only on the foot path but also on the road, occupying almost 25-30% of the road, thus leaving hardly any space to drive. And as if this was not enough.

When I was asked to park, I couldn't find any space as the area in front of each shop was “blocked” deliberately by parking motorcycles, cycles and carts, besides the merchandise. This was enough for any “sane” person to have hypertension and rising temperatures were surely to follow. 

So “this” sane man got out of the car, and much to the annoyance of the shopkeepers, pushed their merchandise towards the footpath and parked my vehicle. Naturally this was not a welcome sign and I could see wrinkles on their faces and fiery eyes meaning a rough talk. But for some unknown reasons, no one reacted.

But I fail to understand who allows them to encroach the road side and how can they be allowed to disturb the smooth flow of the traffic. I tried to ask this simple question from the traffic warden, who just shrugged his shoulder and said that that wasn’t his domain of duty and that I should visit the municipal committee’s administrator’s office instead. Now who has this much of time to do – so I decided not to oblige “someone” in future. It could have me hypertension, which I surely do not want.

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S A J Shirazi said...

Where are the roads left? I see no right of the way for pedestrians what to talk of vehicles. And this is sheer apathy of the (batha khoor) authorities.

And welcome back.

Jalal HB said...

Padesterians? Its they who command the roads now - cross the road from wherever they want to except zebra crossing which is seldom used. No one uses overhead bridges - rather they make way through dividing fences and cross at liesure.

Asghar Javed said...

Then you have never been to Bhattiii Gate?