Saturday, April 23, 2011

World Earth Day

22nd April is the World Earth Day. The day today marks the 41st anniversary of the institution of this special day to create awareness for saving the earth from destruction. The day is celebrated in over 175 courtiers worldwide to conserve, protect and sustain our planet from destruction. Today we get together with a resolve to help protect the widening of the Ozone layer, help stop cutting of jungles, stop use of polythene bags that choke the earth and burn less oil and wood to curtail release of harmful gases like the carbon dioxide.

Go Green Earth Day 2011 is a day to create awareness among people who unknowingly or knowingly are creating environment that may have serious consequences on our general health and may cause cancer, smog-induced asthma and other diseases.

The damage done to earth can be expressed by the famous Michael Jackson’s Earth Song and see for yourself what damage we have already caused to the earth and what would become of us if we do not help stop destruction of earth.

So join hands together with those who are fighting climate change and work towards a clean environment for the sake of the earth, and future of our children.


Nava K said...

Its the responsibility of everyone to save the earth in own many ways, esp carrying own containers to buy food, having plants around to cool the env in natural way and plenty more.

Asghar Javed said...

True environmentalist. Like this.