Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Beating back Breast Cancer with Turmeric, Ginger and Garlic

A few days back I went to console a friend whose wife had died of breast cancer. Tragic as the death was, but so was the heroic effort by my freind to save his ailing wife's life. 

His wife contracted cancer in one of her breasts almost 23 years ago and the breast was removed. From then on, she lived happily for the next two decades. And then a year ago, a routine check up at hospital broke the bombshell - her second breast  too was attacked by the cancer virus. This time, the ordeal was long, painful and deathly.

During her treatment a time came when the medicines available in Pakistan stopped controlling her pain and it was through her husband's efforts that he got the medicines from Dubai through a long and ardous procedure. Though the medicines eased her pain, she could not survive and died 23 May.

There were two things that my friend emphasised and I thought I must share with my readers: What doctors normally fail to tell their patients is that if one breast has contracted cancer, it will one day affect the second one - something his doctor did not tell and the couple never thought of spread of the cancerous virus to the second breast.

Secondly, the availabaility of medicine: While first and second stage medicine are available in Pakistan, the third stage and beyond medicine are not available, nor can be imported easily. For this he had to surf net day and night and finally got someone in Dubail to have the medicine deliverd, though extremely costly - one tablet cost around Rs. 70,000 - 90,000.

I have asked my firend to share the details and someday I shall write about the details too for those who can afford but do not know the procedure.

However, today I came across a post about a breast cancer patient who has refused to take the powerful and expensive pain killers and drugs and has decided to change her dietry habits cosnsisting of spicy-low fat diet to beat back her cancer.

44 year old Vicky Stewart's diet bans dairy and meat and contains frozen berries, vegetables and spices such as garlic, turmeric and ginger - She says "turmeric makes cancer cells commit suicide.'

Worried about the side effects of cancer recovery drug Tamoxifen, she has chosen to change her diet and exercise routines instead.

Experts have warned there is little scientific evidence to back up her claims. But Miss Stewart believes that the diet she followed after undergoing chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery was a vital part of her recovery from the disease.

All those who have relatives suffering from breast cancer, must read the full post at Daily Mail and may take advantage of experiences of Miss Stewart. However, care must be taken to adopt the diet in conjunction with normal medicines prescribed by the physician as the spicy-low fat diet may not suit everyone.

Read full story of Vicky Stewart: Daily Mail