Thursday, February 14, 2019

Pakistan: Your Travel Destination 2019 - Come and Listen to the Rich Folk Music of Pakistan

Pakistan is not only rich in its natural trove, but has an equally rich culture and folk music that mystifies the listeners and spellbound them for as long as there is music in the air. We have indigenous music instruments like dhol ( a two sided elongated drum) which have rich sound not only to move the folk artists and the audience, but also make the horses and camels dance with its heavy beat. 

The folklore are artistically converted into music which are often sung in villages when the sun has set and moonlight adds mystery to the music being played and the voices of folk singers adding to the mysticism. Each place and province has its own music, its own heroes to eulogize and love stories retold. Some of the famous folk songs include "Abeeti" (a love song sung by young women), "Allah Hoo" (a Muslim lullaby) and "Ashoor Jan" (a patriotic love song). Badala (or Sandara) is a historically significant form of Pashto folk music that focuses on local romance, epics, folktales, fables, local heroes and historical events. Badala also includes Pashto translations of epics and romance from Arabic and Persian. There are many talented names who are living this music genre.

Besides, Jugni, Sammi, Luddi are some of the tunes which make people move and dance on the rhythmic tunes. In fact it is the rhythm of music which unifies Pakistan and music spills away from the bounds of one province or a place to the other and everyone seems to be singing and laughing together.

Sometimes back, a beautiful musical composition was composed that very comprehensively combines music of all provinces of Pakistan - a composition which has since been my favourite. But this is just the bird's eye view of the otherwise very rich folk music of Pakistan, which must be listened live. Even if one doesn't understand the lyrics, the rich music played on indigenous instruments mesmerizes the listener. 

Watch the video below which is blend of rich drumbeat enriched by the musical instruments that compels the dancers to dance and dance on the rhythm of folk tunes - that is why this is my favourites!!
Do come to Pakistan and be part of our rich cultural heritage and folk music fro as long as you are with us. But once you go back, you will carry the nostalgia. Try it !!

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